Wednesday, April 7, 2021

A Peek Inside Grace's Main Lesson Book

 Since it's been awhile since I last shared what the girls are doing for lessons I thought now would be a good time to do just that!

Let's start with Grace's main lesson book from her anatomy block. 

As with most things, Waldorf teaches things so beautifully. From the way the material is brought to the children, to how the children interact with it, to the way art is brought in we just stand in awe. Honestly, I often think if I had learned material this way I would have enjoyed it so much more (and probably would have retained it better). 

On more than one occasion I told Grace "When I was in school we would have been given a worksheet and told to label it."
This drawing especially blew me away. Goodness, it's like textbook quality! 
Along with the gorgeous drawings she did wonderful descriptions of the various parts of the body that she had drawn. I didn't include those only because it would make this post even longer, but mostly because I was just really impressed with how beautifully her drawings came out! xo

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