Tuesday, September 10, 2024

And Congrats to Emma!


And.....she's back ont he dance team! After a few years off from competative dance Emma decided to  audition for the hip hop team and was rewarded with a spot in the large group hip hop piece that Miss Deanna is creating! It's great to see that jacket back on her and we cannot wait to see her shine bright on that stage this spring! xo 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Goal: Achieved!

Well done, Grace! We are so proud of you and are thrilled that your dream (and our wish for you) came true! You worked hard and grew so much as a dancer from those early days to now! It has been an absolute joy to watch you on that stage and we cannot wait to see what awaits you this year! What an absolutely fabulous goal to have achieved for your final year as a Center Stage Dancer! xo  

Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Beautiful Sunday in New Hampshire

The girls' Girl Scout troop kicked off the new troop year with a fun day of archery and campfire cooking at Camp Runels in New Hampshire today! They could not have asked for a more perfect day or event to start the new year with! xo 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Made With Love

In which Emma made a "senior year box" as a surprise for Grace and gifted to her today, on this, Grace's last first day of lessons! xo 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Birthday Wishes


Wishing my daddy the happiest of birthdays today!

 In two years, whenn he's eighty (and Dave's mom is too), I'm fifty and Grace is twenty we're going to need to have a big birthday celebration! Let the planning begin! xo

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Here We Go!

The new lesson year has begun!

I am not quite sure how it happend that it's Grace's senior year and Emma's junior year already but here we are. It truly feels like they were just entering the grades yesterday and yet here we are in their final high school years. I am grateful that we returned to life as a homeschool family last year, and honestly, I wish we did not give up those two years they were at Parker but I do think it served a purpose too. 

They have chosen some fabulous classes for this year and I am as excited to experience them as they are! I have no doubt it's going to be another fun year and, quite possibly, their best year yet! 

Wishing everyone, regardless on the type of schooling you do, whether it be homeschooling, unschooling or traditional schooling, the most fabulous of lesson years! xo 

Monday, September 2, 2024

And So It Begins....


Grace begain working on her Common App today making senior year feel even more senior year like...xo