Showing posts with label Anniversary Celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anniversary Celebration. Show all posts

Sunday, May 30, 2021

In Celebration!


After a delicious lasagna dinner (made by David) we celebrated Grace, as well as Dave's parents 50th anniversary, with two of the most delicious cakes ever!
Boston Cream Pie Cake in celebration of Dave's parents' fiftieth, 

and Lemon Raspberry in celebration of Grace!
Two of our most favorite cakes from Flour. The perfect way to celebrate these special occasions and a sweet ending to the first time we were all together again after fifteen months apart! xo

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Happy Anniversary!

Forty-three years later and still going strong! Happy anniversary, mom and dad! We are looking forward to having everyone here to celebrate this wonderful milestone this weekend! Enjoy this absolutely gorgeous day and celebrating all that you've created together! xo

Friday, October 26, 2012

{This Moment} Preparing

{This Moment} - A SouleMama Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. We wish you a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Forty Years, Three Kids and Two Granddaughters Later....

We gathered with my parents to celebrate their forty years of marriage this past weekend. It was a gorgeous October evening when we gathered and we started by presenting them with their gift in a very unique fashion. 
First up: the card. 
Confetti filled, of course. 
Then it was time for the gift.  We handed each of them a knife and told them that to get their gift they had to pop the balloons. Kaitlyn bravely volunteered to hold them for them.  
Pop! Only one more to go....
It's a gift certificate for glass blowing classes (something that has always fascinated them)!
I have a feeling they liked it.  :)
And afterward there was dinner, chatting by the fire pit, sparklers, and chocolate cake for dessert (and a Patriots win, too).  Seems like a good way to celebrate forty years and all that they have created.  Looking forward to seeing what the next decade has in store for them.  If nothing else, it's gonna take us the next ten years to figure out an even more fabulous gift and unique way to present it! 
Happy 40th Anniversary, Mom and Dad! May the next decade be your best yet!

Sunday, October 21, 2012


We are gathering this afternoon to celebrate my parent's 40th wedding anniversary.  A little belated but on a glorious day such as this totally worth the wait!  I'll blog more about how we celebrated later this week.  I'm off to meet up with my sister to put the finishing touches on their fabulous anniversary gift and spend the rest of this day basking in the glory of family.  Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, dear ones!