Showing posts with label Cinderella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cinderella. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Magical Afternoon

This afternoon after lunch we headed to the local movie theater to catch the days first showing of Cinderella. Friends, I am so very glad that we did as it was truly a beautiful version of this classic fairy tale and well worth seeing on the big screen! The cast, the sets, the costumes- were all spectacular, and the message of love and kindness is one that is very near and dear to our hearts. 

The theme of having courage and being kind is found throughout the entire movie, beginning first with Cinderella's mother telling her: "Have courage and be kind. For where there is kindness there is goodness and where there is goodness there is magic." and ending with the words of Cinderella's Fairy Godmother (played brilliantly by Helena Bonham Carter): "Be courageous and kind and all will be well." It's not to say that Cinderella's kindness and courage make things easy for her, but it was wonderful to see how the parting words of her mother became her mantra and helped her navigate the tougher times she experienced along the way.

When the movie was done the three of us left the theater happily chatting about how much we loved both Frozen Fever and Cinderella. We stopped for a quick picture (above) and then headed out, all of us hand-in-hand. A truly perfect ending to a truly perfect afternoon. xo