Today was Grace's first day of summer camp! She is attending a week long camp at Drumlin Farm (one of her favorite places) where she gets to collect chicken eggs, milk a cow, groom the pony, do crafts, sing songs and have lots of fun! It is essentially a much shorter version of the preschool experience that she should have had that Em will get to have next year. As any one who is on Facebook knows, we were sure that she would love this week but were nervous about her first day at camp since she totally was not into being at the camp open house last week. The whole way home after open house she kept saying: "But I am done with school, right, mama?" and "We learn at home, right, mama?" So we all were keeping our fingers crossed that today would go as we were sure it would, and I am happy to report that it did! As you can see from the pictures above, she was beaming from the very moment she put her backpack on today and was just as happy when Em and I picked her up this afternoon! Today's theme was chickens and she was pleased to introduce us to the chick she made that she has named Pearl. As we were heading to the car the following conversation took place:
Grace: "Mama, do I get to go back to camp tomorrow? I had so much fun today!"
Me: "You do! What did you like best about camp, baby?"
Grace: "I liked collecting the chicken eggs, but really I liked everything the best!"
I think it's safe to say that camp was a total hit!