My Aunt Gail emailed this morning to let me know that a box was on its way. Thinking we had a few days we were super surprised when a large, heavy box arrived this afternoon. As I was chatting on the phone with my mom at the time of its arrival, and the girls had just headed out to play, we waited for a bit before opening it.
We couldn't even begin to guess what was inside (it was HEAVY remember) but we all figured it was most likely doll related! Never in a million years would we have guessed that it was, in fact, thirty-six aprons!
My apron matches the girls' aprons exactly.
This was, as you can imagine, an instant fave!
I should have had Dave come in to take one of the three of us, as my apron is the same fabrics but the watermelons are the background with the flamingo fabric accenting it. So sweet!
Again, I should have had Dave come in to take a picture. Mine is very similar to theirs, though instead of a ruffle at the bottom it has the sweet fabric and ribbon on the top. I absolutely adore this apron! The fabric and the ribbon are very much us!
This one has me as a black cat. I'll be sure we get a picture of the three of us together wearing them next month. With dinner needing to be made before dance I decided to skip having a picture taken of the three of us and move on to the final few aprons in the box!
These aprons make me think of my Grandma Ruth (my Aunt Gail's mom). I have no doubt she would have loved them all but most especially the Christmas ones.
Birthday apron
Isn't the ladybug fabric darling?!
Grace has said that she would wear that ladybug fabric as a skirt ("it's so cute with it's bow!")
Thank you Aunt Gail for the incredible surprise of these gorgeous aprons! They will absolutely be worn and cherished for years and years to come! xo