Showing posts with label Homemade Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homemade Halloween. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Halloween Costume Crafting

For Halloween this year the girls decided that they wanted to be a deer and a fox. Some Googling turned up some great ideas, and while I am crafty I knew that we were going to need a true "Craft Master" to help make their vision for their costumes a reality. I called upon my friend Jennifer (who's incredible craft room you see here) to ask if she'd be up for a morning of Halloween costume crafting with us, and she quickly replied that she'd be happy to help! We were thrilled! We gathered last week so that the girls could share their vision with her. A supply list was created and plans were made to gather together the following week (today) to make their dream a reality.
We were in awe of these pieces from the moment we laid eyes on them!Truly gorgeous! 

Our sweet woodland deer and fox. 
 As soon as we saw her tail up against her dark denim jeans we knew exactly what the rest of their costumes should be. It's pretty much going to have an "if animals wore clothes" look. 
 "This is exactly what I was dreaming of!" -Emma
Her smile says it all. 
In the words of Jennifer: "These are very Tscherne costumes!" and we have to agree. Every year the costumes the girls choose are always so fitting and always so lovely (and usually nature based). These costumes definitely rate as some of our most favorite, and I'd wager a guess that they are even in the top three! Thank you, Jennifer, for all you did to make their vision a reality. Thank you for spending the morning crafting with us, thank you for knowing us so very well, and thank you for teaching the girls to make felt flowers! It was a wonderful day, and I have no doubt is one that the girls will carry with them always. xo

Friday, November 6, 2015

{This Moment} Two Jellyfish And A Butterfly

{This Moment} - A single  photo capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments section for all to find and see. We wish you a wonderful first weekend of November. xo