This was such a fun costume to watch come together! At first the girls were going with a Harry Potter theme but since they are only reading book three now (and have not yet met Luna Lovegood, who we are pretty sure Grace is going to really adore) they decided to wait on HP themed costumes until next year and instead go as witches from one of their favorite shows- The Worst Witch. In putting together these costumes we learned an awful lot! Turns out The Worst Witch was a movie that was big in the UK back in the late '80s. It's based on the series of books by Jill Murphy. The girls discovered the current series when it came to Netflix and it quickly became a favorite.
Wanting to do this costume justice we began surfing around the internet and landed on the uniform section on the Marks & Spencer website (which, for those who don't know is the place in London to get school uniforms)! That discovery was huge and we knew then that we'd be able to pull this thing off beautifully! Two pinafores, one package of blouses and we were in business! From there the rest was easy: witch hats, ribbon (wired per my mom's suggestion) and tights we easy to come by locally. The girls already had black shoes and we printed out the crest (which the girls colored) and hot glued pin backs to them so we could attach them to their hat and jumpers. And voila! They look like they are ready to head to Cackle's Academy!
And so, today they took them out for a spin at downtown trick or treat. We went for a bit before their ballet technique class. Other than the cold wind, it was a lovely evening to be strolling around downtown Hudson.
Grace, like all New England kids at some point, didn't want to wear her coat because then her costume wouldn't be seen. About twenty steps from the car she realized that was probably the wrong choice. By forty steps, she was sure of it. Thankfully I had my bikini competition team jacket on under my winter coat, so rather than turn around and go back to the car I offered her it to her. I think she liked the look of the black coat with her costume!
In the twenty minuets we were there they managed to collect a fair amount of candy along with a reusable water bottle and a slice of pizza from one of the pizza places!Happy Halloween friends! Let the celebrations begin! xo