Showing posts with label Peach Picking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peach Picking. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Peach Picking

Since our first attempt at peach picking didn't pan out we figured we'd try again once we got home from our trip to Florida. With the weather looking divinely summery today, and a local farm where it was $1.00 per pound for pick-your-own peaches we figured now was as good a time as any to go. We went first thing this morning so as to beat the heat, and we were excited to have the orchard to ourselves. Before long the boxes in the wagon were overflowing with peaches, and our work there was done. Now, just to wait for them to get a wee bit more ripe and then the canning of them can begin! xo

Be sure to scroll down and see the beginning of our Disney adventure if you haven't had a chance to read about it already. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Peachy Sunday

Even though I have so many photos to share from last week I couldn't help but feel like this one just had to be shared today. We've spent most of the weekend canning (yesterday tomato sauce, today peaches) and as soon as I saw how sweet and cheery this picture was I knew the other blog posts needed to wait a little longer so this one could be shared on the day it was actually taken. These peaches are amazingly delicious and will be a lovely reminder of our peach picking adventure this winter when we enjoy them! 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Peach Picking

"That's a big cobbler, Mommy!" 
Last Friday the girls and I went to Carlson Orchard to do some peach picking.  We had wanted to wait for David to be able to come with us but with him working all last weekend (and our 10th wedding anniversary celebration this coming weekend) he said we should head to the orchard without him.  Other than the orchard staff we were pretty much the only people there, which was totally delightful!  We quickly picked three boxes of peaches (and discussed all the wonderful things we would make with them), and if it wasn't for a couple of sweet gentleman walking by who offered to help carry them to the store we'd probably still be there trying to figure out how to move them all.  The ladies in the store then helped us carry them to the car.  On the way home Grace said: "Mommy, my rose of the day is that we went peach picking and so many people helped us!" It was indeed a rose filled adventure!