Showing posts with label Shopping Cart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shopping Cart. Show all posts

Monday, May 31, 2010

A Blast from the Past!

This post is dedicated to my parents, without whom this post would not be possible!  Thanks, Mom and Dad for giving us one of these toys many moons ago!

You know you are old when toys you had as a child show up at consignment sales and are labeled "vintage".  Such was the case at the consignment sale we were recently at (the one where we happened upon the lovely white dress that we brought home to serve as a wedding gown for Grace).  I did not see this particular item until we were on our way back to the car to head home. I saw it and knew that we had to have it, even if it was labeled as "vintage shopping cart".  Sadly, it would require me to wait in a line that was easily 30 minutes long.  With two littles who wanted nothing more to head home for lunch. It was clearly not going to happen.  Or so we though. Cue my friend Sade, who had called to see if we were heading to the sale and who after hearing my sad tale said that she'd be happy to pick it up for us if it was still there.  A few days later she let me know that she had in fact gotten ahold of it!  They brought it with them to our picnic yesterday and it has been played with (and adored) ever since!

Seeing my girls play with this brings back such good, good memories. 

And I have a feeling that when they come across one 
at a sale someday (by then it will be labeled "antique"), 
it will bring back good, good memories for them too.  

That is if this smile is any indication!

So thanks Mom and Dad for giving this shopping car to us all those years ago!  
It's wonder and excitement live on!