Showing posts with label Sparklers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sparklers. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

'Cause Baby You're A Firework...

Yesterday the girls and I traveled to Rhode Island for Kaitlyn and Eric's 4th of July Party.  We had such a blast! There was lots of time exploring on the beach (post to come) and eating and playing and chatting and wishing that Dave could have been there with us.  As the sun started to set Kaitlyn brought out sparklers.  She was shocked to hear that her beloved nieces had not yet experienced the magic of sparklers and was happy to learn that we were waiting for her to be the one to share that moment with them.  At first they were a wee bit timid, but once they saw that they were not going to get hurt from the sparks they grew wide eyed and fell totally and completely head over heels in love with them and the magic of it all!  And, as the sun set and the moon rose we noticed that there were several areas around the bay that were launching fireworks.  The girls were completely captivated by it all.  Finally, it was time to say our "thank yous" and "good-byes".  As we headed to the car there were more fireworks lighting our way.  The girls were so giddy about their super fabulous day and couldn't stop talking about it.  In the words of Grace: "Mommy, it was the best day ever!  I wish we could stay at Aunt Kaitlyn's and Eric's forever and have sparklers all the time!  And then when I think it couldn't get any better there were fireworks!  You didn't tell me she would have fireworks and sparklers at the party!  I loved it!"  Thanks, Kait and Eric for another amazing adventure at the beach!  We love you two and can't wait for our next adventure!