Showing posts with label Spring Equinox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Equinox. Show all posts

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Welcome, Spring!

Spring flowers from the Root Children for Grace and Emma on this the first full day of Spring! May this season of renewal and rebirth be a blessed and joyous one for all of you! xo

Spring is coming, spring is coming, 
Birdies build your nests.
Weave together straw and feather, 

Doing each your best.

Spring is coming, spring is coming, 

Flowers are coming too. 
Crocus, lilies, daffo-dillies,
All are coming through. 

Spring is coming, spring is coming, 
All around is fair. 
Shimmer, quiver, on the river, 
Joy is everywhere.
-Traditional Waldorf

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Grace and Mama Adventure

Yesterday after we dropped Emma off at Crickets Grace and I headed to Elm Bank to do a little exploring.  I had heard alot about this park lately and it seemed like yesterday was as good a time as any to check it out.  We arrived, quickly made our way to the Children's Garden, and proceded to just soak in all the magic of this very special place.  Everywhere we turned there was something more to see, and as we journied through the garden Grace could be heard saying: "This is a magical place indeed, mama!"  She was right, it was indeed magical and it's not even in full bloom yet!  As our time there came to an end, and we headed back to the car, Grace said to me: "I can't wait to go back Mama! And next time we need to bring Emma and Daddy too!"  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

In Celebration Of Spring

Spring Morning
Now the moisty wood discloses
Wrinkled leaves of primroses,
While the birds they flute and sing:
"Build your nests, for here is spring!"

All about the open hills
Daisies show their pleasant frills,
Washed and white and newly spun
For a festival of sun.

Like a blossom from the sky,
Drops a yellow butterfly,
Dancing down the hedges grey
Snow-bestrewn till yesterday.

Squirrels skipping up the trees
Smell how spring is in the breeze,
While the birds, they flute and sing:
"Build your nests, for here is spring!"