Showing posts with label Uncle Grant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uncle Grant. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Sunday in Boston


After Trunk-Or-Treat on Sunday (and a pit stop at home for a bit of quiet time) we drove into Boston to see my brother compete with his fencing team! It was fabulous to get to be there and cheer him on! xo

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A Visit With Uncle Grant

 Yesterday after lunch I received a call from my brother. He's a student at SUNY Maritime College and he was calling from their training vessel which had gotten underway for the summer sea term (this is his third summer going). We chatted for a bit, and then he asked if I could call him back via FaceTime so he could show us around. I gathered the girls and the iPad....
"Hi Uncle Grant!"
 The view from the ship as they made their way down the East River.  It was really incredible to be able to see the various sights as the ship sailed along. We saw many buildings, went under a bridge and even saw the Statue of Liberty in the distance! They could not have asked for a better day to get underway. 
He took us on brief walking tour of the ship. It was really neat to see where he lived for the last school year, and where he will be spending the entire summer. 

Oh friends, there really are not adequate words to express how truly cool yesterday was. I found myself, once again, so completely thankful to be living this incredible lifestyle. It wasn't lost on me that had the girls been in a traditional school setting they would have missed out on this wonderful opportunity and time with their uncle. He was so completely proud to show his nieces and I around, and to share with us the area that he calls home. Safe travels, brother. We look forward to hearing all your stories when you return! xo

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Visit With Grandpa Gene And Uncle Grant

 Yesterday we were excited to have my father and brother come for a visit. They arrived just before dinner and then spent the night since they had a business meeting in Boston today. 
 I just wish I had thought to record my dad reading this book to the girls. Who knew he can do Darth Vader's voice so well!? 
 This morning we enjoyed a lovely breakfast of French Toast Casserole topped with our homemade maple syrup, of course. They were really impressed with our finished product and we promised we'd invite them up to see the process first hand next sugar season. 
 Before leaving for Boston Uncle Grant showed his nieces some money that he brought home from his recent travels to Italy and Ireland. Having never been to either country it was really neat to get to hold foreign currency in our hands! 
 Assorted coins from the UK. 
 Euros that he brought back from Italy. 
 It was really neat to feel how heavy some of them were. 
It was such a treat to have the guys with us, even if it wasn't for nearly long enough! Thanks for coming to visit us daddy and Grant! We can't wait to see you again- soon! xo

Friday, March 21, 2014

{This Moment} To The Ship!

{This Moment} - A Soule Mama Friday ritual. A single photo- no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments section for all to find and see. We wish you a fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Visit To Maritime College

Last week, on our way home from Dave's grandmother's funeral, we stopped by Maritime College to visit my brother. 
And it just so happened that my Dad was there visiting him too. Dad had been visiting my grandfather down in New Jersey and figured (just like we did) that he might as well stop by and visit Grant on his way home. 
The girls were so excited to see both their grandfather and their uncle. 
The huge smile on my brother's face says it all!
Grace taking in the view. 
She couldn't believe that "Uncle Grant goes to school under a bridge!"
Grant took us over to Fort Schuyler. 
This is where all his classes are and where the Maritime Museum is too. 
The girls were so into seeing all the items in the museum and hearing everything that Uncle Grant had to say! They love the show Mighty Ships and to get to see models of ships like the ones they've seen on the show just really brought it all home for them. 
Grace just loved that her middle name is the name of a very famous ship. 
The first part of my childhood was spent living on the beach in Connecticut. 
With Long Island Sound as our backyard we often saw the QE2 cruising by!
Here Uncle Grant explains that this board shows who's on board ship at any given time. 
Heading over to the Empire State VI which is the training ship for the Maritime College Students. This is the ship my brother will be aboard the entire summer. The girls loved getting up close to this ship. Grant said that had he known sooner that we were coming he could have been able to get us clearance to go on board. Something to look forward for next time! 

Stopping at Maritime College was the perfect ending to our journey to (and from) New York. Thanks, Grant, for showing us around! We had a fabulous time and cannot wait to visit again!

Monday, May 27, 2013

On Memorial Day

My brother came up yesterday in preparation for our town's Memorial Day parade today. The girls were walking with the Girl Scouts and we invited him to come along. For those that don't know, Grant is an Iraqi War veteran having served two tours of duty with the 101st Airborne Division out of Fort Campbell Kentucky. He is also an active member of the American Legion, so as you can imagine stuff like this is totally up his alley! As this was the girls first time marching in a parade it was even more special to have him march along with them too! We are so thrilled that he was able to share in this very special "first". Thanks Grant for coming up and being a part of the festivities!
Here they come!
Hi Girls!
The girls asked Gramma to walk along with them. 
Of course, she said "yes!"