Ready to head out on our adventure.
What better way to spend a grey, rainy day than meeting up with friends for some fun?
Experiencing what it's like inside a hurricane.
This turtle was one quick movin' guy.
Budding Scientists class was fabulous.
Today's theme was bubbles (as I am sure you could have guessed).
The girls had so much fun with this!
After many bubbles were blown in their cups the teachers gave various objects to the kids to see if they could be used to blow bubbles. Here Emma uses a bracelet to blow this bubble.
Grace had such fun making her"string" of bubbles bigger and bigger.
And this bubble is one that Emma blew using the bracelet.
She loved getting to hold a bubble (and it stayed around for a good long while).
After bubble class we had a quick snack, checked out the gift shop and decided to head home (this was clearly the place to be today as there were lots of school groups there). Since it was so rainy out we weren't able to explore the outside things but figured that just meant that we all needed to head back to the Ecotarium together again soon! Thanks for a super fun morning, friends! We can't wait to play again soon! xo