Showing posts with label Waldorf Essentials Grade Six. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waldorf Essentials Grade Six. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


When you are working on your geology block (final one of the lesson year!) and you're trying to build the layers of the earth in Legos and you can't find any small brown pieces. xo

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Friday, October 5, 2018

Morning Lessons: Ancient India And Rome

The beauty of homeschooling (and the beauty of the girls being in back to back grades) is that they get two years of each topic. Whatever I bring to Grace the year she does it, I make sure to do different things with Emma the following year so that it remains interesting to both of them (and to me). Grace's Ancient India block last year looks very different from Emma's this year, but they are both enjoying it just as much as they did last year. The connections that are being made as a result of having experienced it the year before are really outstanding! I love hearing Grace pipe  up to offer what she remembers, and Emma's eye's light  up when she remembers Grace working with a certain topic or when it's something new that her sister did not do the year before. It's learning at its best! 
 One such new activity was a verse we came upon as a way to remember the ancient Indian caste system in regard to the human body. 
 I love that Emma drew herself and then labeled the different parts of the caste system on her drawing. 
Grace just began her block on Ancient Rome. We are using both the Waldorf Essentials grade six materials and the Oak Meadow grade six materials to create a very rich experience for her. After spending time reading about and discussing Roman people, families and food we decided it would be fun to make some Roman custard. 
 Adding cinnamon. 
 We had to add a bit of extra time when the custard was baking. It took about an additional fifteen minutes for it to become firm. 
Nothing like a sweet ending to the first week of learning about Ancient Rome! This custard was declared "delicious" and will surely be made again! xo