Monday, January 12, 2015

At Morning Lesson

Some mornings it's crowns, some mornings it's princess dresses, today it's tutus and tiaras!

For those wondering about the wheel that Grace is working on I found it in this link. It coincides nicely with the time telling math block that she's currently working on. xo


  1. What a really cool idea! I love it. Thanks for sharing the link too!

    Sweet pictures.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

  2. I love the learning accessories! hehe! Im sure my Audrey would agree! I always loved being able to use art in learning. I had a math teacher (in high school!) who would let me color intricate geometric design pages for extra credit. Bless his heart, lol!

    1. Now that's my kind of math teacher! :) And seriously learning accessories just make it all the more fun! xo

  3. Art in math is definitely our idea of a good math lesson!
