Showing posts with label Bethany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bethany. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2022

New Year’s Eve Eve in Connecticut


An unseaonably warm day for New Year's Eve Eve absolutetly called for some archery and where better than in Gramma Terri and Grandpa Gene's yard! 
My parents gave the girls Shasibo Cubes for Christmas. I love this cool shape that Emma made! We had such a lovely visit yesterday, complete with the much requested trip to Ikea for Swedish Meatballs! So glad that we were able to spend the peunultimate day of 2022 with my parents and brother (and such a gorgeous day at that)! xo 

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Christmas In Bethany

A little post-service learning celebration at Gramma Terri and Grandpa Gene's. Their first Christmas presents of the holiday season (a beautiful box full of holiday items for their fairy village) and some time spent with the darling tree in the corner of the dinning room made for an absolutely magical start to our Christmas celebrating! Thanks mom and dad for a lovely day, and for such perfect gifts for the girls! Everything about Saturday was truly wonderful! xo

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Yesterday In Bethany

Yesterday the girls and I spent the day in Bethany. We left right after breakfast and arrived, late morning, on what was easily one of the most perfect October days ever. After the girls showed Gramma Terri their Halloween costumes, they immediately went outside to do some exploring. Meanwhile, Gramma Fox peeled me an apple. 
While we were waiting for my dad and brother to return from a service call they were doing at Yale, Emma got a much needed haircut from our favorite hair dresser. As soon as her haircut was done she made a beeline for outside and got right back to exploring (and to wait for the guys to return home). 
After a delicious lunch, the six of us headed to the farm where we would go pumpkin picking as kids, and where my parents currently have their CSA. 
Goats were visited. 
And so were the chickens. 
It was a perfect day. 
When we got home it was Grace's turn for a haircut. 
They decided to recreate the above picture. 
Nailed it! 

And then there was more playing in the woods and the brook by the girls, and more wishing by me that we lived in a town like Bethany and on a piece of property like my parents. Though I have to say, that if that was the case, our nature loving girls would be even harder to get inside than they already are! 
While I was bringing things to the car in preparation for us to head home, Emma wrote this sweet message on the chalkboard in the mudroom. And for those wondering, Lily is my parents cat.

We then began the process of saying good-bye. It was then that we acquired eight Boxwood trees (or are they considered bushes?) that my dad was needing to relocate. Dave and the girls planted them today in a spot that was in desperate need of something. They look wonderful already and we are so hopeful that the will take root and grow big and strong in the months and years to come!

As the girls and I drove back to Massachusetts we chatted all about our day and all the wonderful things we did. They loved everything about our visit, but their most favorite parts were spending time exploring  and visiting the farm. And as I knew would happen they both said how much they wish that we "lived in Bethany or a town like it."  I wish that too, sweet girls, and who knows, maybe one day we will. xo