Showing posts with label Fairy Village. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fairy Village. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Christmas In Bethany

A little post-service learning celebration at Gramma Terri and Grandpa Gene's. Their first Christmas presents of the holiday season (a beautiful box full of holiday items for their fairy village) and some time spent with the darling tree in the corner of the dinning room made for an absolutely magical start to our Christmas celebrating! Thanks mom and dad for a lovely day, and for such perfect gifts for the girls! Everything about Saturday was truly wonderful! xo

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Fairy Village

A gift box full of fairy house items, plus two birthday gift cards to Michaels , plus 70% off fairy house items at Michaels equal many new additions to their rhododendron bush fairy village! Thank you to everyone who has given Grace and Emma gift cards to Michaels or fairy house items from Michaels over the last six months. The girls have had the most wonderful time choosing new pieces to add and figuring out where to put everything! They are sad to see that section leave Michaels, and are very hopeful that it returns next early spring. xo