Showing posts with label Handwriting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Handwriting. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

In Emma's Main Lesson Book

 This project, although simple, was easily one of my most favorite to watch come together. It was the perfect way to end the time telling math block that she has spent the month of January working on. While many fun projects were done, this one captured my heart the most. I was especially enchanted by today's entry (the autumn verse- which is one of her most favorites). Not only is her handwriting absolutely gorgeous, but I was totally in awe of how beautifully straight she wrote each line. I know that I was not able to write that straight on unlined paper when I was her age! She turns eight in less than a month, and I'm positive that I watched her grow a little more right before my very eyes today! xo

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

::Right Now::

Right now, I am:
::(as always) so thankful for this incredible life we live. 

::really impressed at how beautiful Grace's handwriting is. 

::giggling at how long it took the girls to discover Skippy (our elf's) hiding spot of the day. 

::grateful for kindred spirits and dear friends. 

::wondering when it's going to start to feel like December.  Fifty degrees in New England in December just doesn't feel right. 

::thinking I really should be addressing our holiday cards. 

::super excited that the girls are starting ballet on Monday and that we'll become part of an amazing community of people whose love of their craft just radiates from the moment you meet them.  

::happy to have (once again) started to learn to knit.  

::pondering what's in store for us for the rest of this month. 

::finding that Amanda's words said it best: "hoping for grace, patience and an open heart in the 'everyday' day that lies ahead." 

::wishing you all a wonderful, magical holiday season!