Showing posts with label Skippy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skippy. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

::Right Now::

Right now, I am:
::(as always) so thankful for this incredible life we live. 

::really impressed at how beautiful Grace's handwriting is. 

::giggling at how long it took the girls to discover Skippy (our elf's) hiding spot of the day. 

::grateful for kindred spirits and dear friends. 

::wondering when it's going to start to feel like December.  Fifty degrees in New England in December just doesn't feel right. 

::thinking I really should be addressing our holiday cards. 

::super excited that the girls are starting ballet on Monday and that we'll become part of an amazing community of people whose love of their craft just radiates from the moment you meet them.  

::happy to have (once again) started to learn to knit.  

::pondering what's in store for us for the rest of this month. 

::finding that Amanda's words said it best: "hoping for grace, patience and an open heart in the 'everyday' day that lies ahead." 

::wishing you all a wonderful, magical holiday season!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Skippy's Home

Our elf, Skippy, has been finding lots of good hiding spots around our house lately.  I do believe though he finds it a little tricky to find a different spot that is up high each day, out of the reach of little hands.  The day after we decorated the tree he found a perfect spot right near the angel.  The girls were thrilled and loved to check on him all day.  "That's a good spot for Skippy, mama!" was echoed throughout Tuesday.
This morning we came downstairs and right away Emma was sad to notice that Skippy was not in the tree anymore.  She looked around for a bit and then discovered him in her stocking.  "Hey!" said the littlest and off she went to get her trusty stool.
She climbed up on her stool and was still slightly too short to reach.  She pointed at Skippy and said "My hoho" extending her arms as if to indicate that she wanted to hold him.  Knowing full well she wanted him back in the tree I handed him to her and off she ran.  I scooped her up and she put him back in "his spot". 
And it has been decided that there he shall remain.  It seems as if we have a new part of the tradition now.  And I love that it was started by the girls.  From now on, as soon as the tree is decorated, he will find his "home" in it and remain there until Christmas Eve night.  Sounds good to me, sweet girls.  Sounds good to me. 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Welcome Back, Skippy!

Last year we began the Elf on the Shelf tradition.  For us, it's all about the magic of having an elf and finding his new hiding spot each day and not so much about him reporting back the girls behavior to Santa.  Since naming him was kinda lost on the girls last year I named him Skippy since to me he looked like Skippy from Family Ties!  The girls had a blast finding his new hiding spot each day.  Since today is December 1st, he has returned to be our Chirstmas elf once again, and today began with the girls locating his very clever hiding spot!
Let the fun begin!