Our mini-social justice warriors took to the streets yesterday to make sure their message of family reunification and kindness was heard! I cannot tell you how incredibly proud I am of them. From the moment I shared with them what was going on at the US-Mexico boarder, and that children were being separated from their parents, they were determined that they were going to march/participate in any rally that was being planned. And so, on June 30th, along with thousands of people in Massachusetts and across the country, they did just that! I love that this was their idea. I love that I did not have to say "do you girls want to go" but instead they said "can we go, mama?" And if I'm being completely honest I love that they just assumed there would be a gathering like this.
I am so proud of the girls for using their voices to speak for those whose voices are being silenced. I love that their first reaction after the disbelief has worn off and the tears have stopped is "what can we do to make the world a better place?" I love that they have written letters, and made posters and marched, and that this is becoming second nature for then.Though if I'm being honest, there is part of me that wishes it wasn't becoming second nature for them. I wish our country was moving forward instead of backward, but since that's not the case I am proud and completely in awe watching them put into practice all they have grown up hearing us say.
I am so proud of the girls for using their voices to speak for those whose voices are being silenced. I love that their first reaction after the disbelief has worn off and the tears have stopped is "what can we do to make the world a better place?" I love that they have written letters, and made posters and marched, and that this is becoming second nature for then.Though if I'm being honest, there is part of me that wishes it wasn't becoming second nature for them. I wish our country was moving forward instead of backward, but since that's not the case I am proud and completely in awe watching them put into practice all they have grown up hearing us say.
There is no doubt in my mind that these amazing girls of ours are going to grow up to be equally amazing women. And there is no doubt in my mind that they will continue to speak truth to power for as long as necessary (and if that includes the day when they become mamas then I also have no doubt in my mind that those tiny humans will follow beautifully in their mamas footsteps)! xo