Showing posts with label Ski Girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ski Girls. Show all posts

Sunday, January 31, 2021

January Wrap Up

 And just like that January is over. This month went incredibly fast and unfortunately I did not post on here nearly as much I had hoped. Alas, I suppose that is to be expected with our very full days and two older girls!  
One never knows where Gretchen will pop up next! 
Watching Kamala break tat glass ceiling was truly incredible!  We are so grateful that intelligence, kindness an compassion are back in the White House.  

Grace's art skills never cease to impress. So truly grateful that the girls grew up as Waldorf kids and that they get to be part of Seasons of Seven and continue their Waldorf education. Seasons of Seven is the perfect fit for them and such a lovely community. So grateful that arts are such an important part of the Waldorf world and that our girls get to incorporate them into all aspects of their life and learning. 
Sundays at the mountain are  a wee bit different this year but at least they get to ski. Since ski team isn't 9:00am-3:00pm due to Covid this year, they do not head up with Dave first thing in the morning. Instead, I drop them off so that they have time to get a few runs in before grabbing lunch and then heading to ski team. Today, we had Dave meet up with us during drop off! It's always a treat when he meets them and even more of a treat when he comes to say hello to me! Wishing you all a lovely last night of January and a sweet and love-filled February! xo 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

View From The Rear View Mirror


Captured this moment as the girls were getting their stuff together to head to ski team. Gorgeous day to be on the mountain (and pretty impressive picture captured by my iPhone through the rearview mirror)! xo 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018

At Their Winter Home

And so begin our weekly trips to the mountain! The mild temps of today were too good to pass up so we put lessons aside for the day and hit the mountain after breakfast. It was not nearly as crowded as I was expecting it to be, and the girls were able to get in about six runs before we needed to head home. When they returned after their final run of the day Grace told me that a gentleman who they passed after they got off the chair-lift said to them, "Let me guess...homeschoolers?!" The girls were super surprised that he guessed correctly! Such a nice change from the usual question of "What? No school today?!"  that we get all too often. xo

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Back On The Slopes!

A gloriously snowy day for the first day of ski team was a dream come true for these two! xo

Sunday, September 18, 2016

At The Ski Shop

Waiting to be fitted for their new ski boots. For some, this is very serious business! xo

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Today At Wachusett

A day off for Dave meant an earlier visit to the mountain this week for us. Up and out early and to the first lesson of the day for the girls, while Dave went off and did some runs on the black diamond trails. Today's lesson may have been their most exciting yet as they started from the summit (their first time up there) and hit all of the blue trails on their way down! They reluctantly came in for lunch and then headed back out, this time with their daddy instead of the instructor, and right back up to the summit they went. They returned about an hour and a half later happily tired from their adventures and ready to head home. The look of pride on Dave's face said it all, and I knew then that his hope for children who ski had been fully realized. He was truly impressed by how much they had improved from the last time he skied with them. xo

Thursday, February 26, 2015


The girls had another fabulous lesson today capped off by their instructor encouraging them to join Wachusett's DEV Team next season! They are over the moon (and so are we)! xo

Friday, January 30, 2015

{This Moment} To The Mountain

{This Moment} - A Soule Mama Friday ritual. A single  photo - no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments section for all to find and see. We wish you a fun-filled weekend! xo

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dear Grace And Emma

Dear Grace and Emma,
I know that I ask you all the time to "stop the growing" but I'm pretty sure I watched you grow right before my very eyes today as you skied off together to get on the chairlift. It's amazing how fast these years have flown by, and how each day seems to pass faster than the one before it. It feels like just yesterday that we were awaiting your arrivals and here you are now eight-and-a-half and almost seven years old. It just doesn't seem possible. Your papa and I are so very proud of who you are and how you've grown, but we'd really like it if time would slow down just a wee bit as it's passing far too quickly for us.

As I watched you two get on the chairlift and head up into the sky until I couldn't see you anymore I realized that there will come a day (sooner than I'd like) where it will be for much longer than just 15 minutes that you are gone from my sight. I was so very proud of my two chicks venturing away from their beloved mama hen with such confidence and excitement today- clearly looking forward to seeing the world from up above, and to the adventures that awaited you on the journey back down. Each time you arrived at the bottom you'd wave to me as if we hadn't seen each other in months, and then back up you two would immediately go to see what the next adventure would hold.

Please know that no matter what life throws at you, where life takes you or what adventures you go on that I will always be waiting at the base of the mountain ready to wave and welcome you home.

I love you both to the moon and stars and back. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Skiing With Daddy

Since David had the day off from work today, and since we had received free passes to Nashoba, and since it was incredibly beautiful out, we figured that this would be the perfect day for a little daddy-daughter skiing. We arrived just a wee bit after they opened and were happy to have the place mostly to ourselves. Once their lift tickets were on (a first for the girls, and something they were rather excited about) the three headed out. Nashoba is much smaller than their usual mountain, though this proved to be a blessing for me as it meant that I could watch them from my spot in the lodge (something that I don't get to do when they are at Wachusett). Dave spent a good long while with the girls before heading off on his own to ski some of the more difficult trails, and the girls spent a good long while skiing together before coming in for lunch. After lunch it was decided that they'd all do a few more runs before we headed home. I am so glad that it all fell into place so beautifully today, and I do so hope that we are able to see a few more daddy-daughter ski days happen before the end of the season. xo

Thursday, January 15, 2015

First Of The Season

Today we made the first of our weekly treks out to Wachusett. There was much excitement in the air this morning as we gathered up the necessary ski clothes (and skis!) and headed out for the beginning of our third year as a ski family. As we drove up the hill to the mountain it felt as if we were coming to visit an old friend who we hadn't seen in far too long. Goodness, was it lovely to be back! Once in the lodge we found a spot, grabbed some lunch and then the girls got suited up for their lesson. Having their own equipment this year is such a treat as it means that we do not need to be down to the Polar Kids Den half an hour before their lesson. Once ready, we leisurely made our way to the Den (after all when you've got thirty extra minutes that you aren't used to having you can be do things like walk over leisurely). The girls got checked in, I was given the necessary credentials to claim them later on and we said our "see you laters" and "have funs". Time flew by and before long it was time to pick up Grace (who had scored herself a private lesson since there were no other kids in her level at that time today). She arrived rosy cheeked and beaming after her time on the mountain. Her beloved moguls were skied, and according to her instructor she skied absolutely beautifully today. He was very impressed with her skills, and even mentioned that learning to use poles is in the very near future. She is beyond thrilled! Thirty minutes later we acquired Emma- the lone girl in a class of boys- and according to her instructor she "totally rocked it today"! After some hot chocolate and a snack we grabbed our bags and made our way to the car. The lodge was starting to get crowded due to the school kids arriving for after school activities- totally our cue to exit stage left. As we journeyed home the girls shared more stories of their fabulous day back. They are happily tired tonight (and heading to bed much earlier than usual) but are looking forward to next week already! xo