Showing posts with label Solstice Tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solstice Tree. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Sunday Bunnies


I'm pretty sure that if Violet is not lounging under the tree she is lounging in that exact spot so she can look at it! xo 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Oh, Solstice Tree


It's hard to believe that it's the final month of 2024 already. For years now I have been much more connected to the Winter Solstice than I have been to Christmas but this year feels even more so. It's hard to get behind celebrating Christian holidays when so many awful things are being done or said by people who profess to be Christian. Even though the UCC is not at all like the more conservative end of the Christian fatith spectrum (we are, after all, lovingly refered to as the Unitarians Considering Christ), it's still hard to want to be associated at all given the current climate. I often feel like I should have been raised pagan (or secular pagan) or Unitarian even, as nature and the ryhtms of the year align so much more with my parents views/beliefs/what they hold dear. Regardless, I am grateful that Dave, the girls and I celebrate the rhythm of the seasons and find comfort in the natural world around us. It is so very fitting that our tree reflects that. This year, and likely the four to come, will be even more essential to finding peace, beauty, harmony and wonder in our little part of the world. xo

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Trees

All three trees are now up and it finally feels more like Christmas around here than it had been.  Usually, we have our window candles up right after Thanksgiving, and I was fully prepared to put them in the windows as soon as we got home from the crusie, but sadly, I think I inadvertently got rid of them when we were doing our big basement clean-out this past September. And, since there are no window candles to be found anywhere in MetroWest (or online) there's no way to make that right until next year. 
Our new tree topper. The box says it's a star, but to me it looks more like a sun  (which works since we usually put a sun tree topper on our tree on Solstice Day)!  And yes, I do know that the sun is actually a star! 
 The addition of our sun/star tree topper really just pulls our nature-y tree together. 
 The girls did a great job putting up our kitchen tree. We tried to put the angel my Grandma Ruth made (back when I was a kid) on the top, but the top part isn't strong enough to support it, unfortunately. There is a tree topper from World Market that I'm thinking would be absolutely perfect on this tree. 
And finally, the tree in the girls' room is up. It took some doing to locate a little tree due to the tree shortage that's going on this year (thanks to drought and the recession back in 2008). Since it's a bit smaller than the trees they've had there in the past they decided to use these sweet wooden ornaments that Gramma Terri brought up for them last year. We need to find them a little tree skirt of their own. It's funny to see them towering over their little tree this year! When we started this tradition (four years ago) they weren't all that much taller than it! Now, that's clearly not the case! xo

Friday, December 23, 2016

{This Moment} 4:45pm Solstice Night

{This Moment} A Friday ritual. A single photo -no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same leave a link in the comments section for all to find and see. Wishing those who celebrate a very happy Hanukkah and a very merry Christmas this weekend. xo

Saturday, December 10, 2016

We Three Trees

Eleven days until Winter Solstice and fifteen days until Christmas! The trees are ready and so are we! xo