Showing posts with label Trip Around The Sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trip Around The Sun. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

This Is Forty-Two

I celebrated another trip around the sun yesterday! And since my birthday was coming I have been reflecting a lot on the past year (and life in general) lately

Forty-two is:
 ::realizing that the forties really are the best decade! Before I turned forty anyone who was older than me told me how the forties were the best decade. And at first I thought it was just one of those things that people said. You know, kinda like when you have a new baby and everyone tells you that "the years go by so fast" but you don't really believe them so you just smile sweetly and nod until they go on their way? And then, after the first year and the second and the fifth and the tenth and the twelfth fly by you realize they were right? Yeah, that's how I felt when people would tell me that their forties were their best years.Two years in though I have to agree! They really are!

::finding that I have far more confidence than I have ever had before.

::not caring more about other people's opinions of me than I do about my own opinion of me. There is such freedom in this and for that I am so grateful! 

::being in better shape (and a smaller size!) than I was when I was twenty-two! 

::proving everyone wrong about weight loss being hard after forty (see above statement). So many doctors and nurses and nutritionists told me that if I didn't loose it by the time I was forty it was mine forever. With each pound that I loose and each heavier weight that I lift I smile a little more thinking about all those people who told me that from the time I was thirty until right before I joined Fitness Asylum last September and how I have proven every. single. one. wrong! Has it been easy? No. Has it required me to give up certain foods that I love? Yes. Has it been life changing? Completely!

::finally finding the community of people I have been looking for for the last twelve years! The day I walked in to kick-off for the Fall Body Challenge last September was life changing in so many ways. We all come for a variety of reasons, but we all stay for the community.

::being named the sexy b---- on week three of the (current) spring challenge and owning that title! 

:;finally liking my body and feeling pretty!

::feeling so good about said body and so ready for the next challenge that I signed up for the Fall bikini competition team. If you had told me a year ago that I would even consider doing that I would have laughed at you. Eight months after walking in to my first body challenge kick-off I'm now looking at blinged out bikinis and getting ready to take my training to the next level. I'm both nervous and excited (and I hear that if you feel both those things simultaneously it means you should do it)! 

::progressive glasses. On one hand that made me feel old. But on the other, I am sporting some really gorgeous Tiffany frames!

::coming out of retirement and starting a new (paying) job and being surrounded by people old enough to be my children.

::appreciating those who stood by me when life was hard and I wasn't at my best.

:: finding those kindred spirits that I have been looking for for many years now. It's finding where I belong and finally feeling a sense of peace because of it. It's #lovemytribe.

::loving my family so deeply and so completely and enjoying each and every new adventure and experience that we have together.

:: noticing that our girls have our wickedly dry sense of humor and the ability to use sarcasm as beautifully as we do. 

::being thankful that we chose to walk the unconventional path of homeschooling all those years ago which has helped to make us the tight knit family are are today.

Simply put, forty-two (or maybe it's just the forties in general) is when you feel like your most authentic self. It's finally feeling comfortable in your skin, confident in your decisions and at peace with who you have become. xo

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Eight Is Great!

Since we weren't going to be giving Emma her birthday present until after church we decided to give her some very special cards before we left for church. She was so excited to have a lovepop of her very own, and to receive cards from her Gramma Terri and Grandpa Gene and from her Grandma Joan and Grandpa Ron! 
 After church was over we asked Grace and Victoria if they would be willing to give Emma the first clue to her birthday scavenger hunt! The girls were thrilled to help out and Emma was so excited to be doing a scavenger hunt for her birthday gift! 
Headed home to get this scavenger hunt started! 
 "A new bike for me! In the bathroom?! Thanks, mama, daddy and Grace!"
 To celebrate her birthday this year she asked for a "teeny tiny party" and we were happy to oblige. We were even more thrilled that Lori over at Serendipity was willing to do such a small gathering! Beading (and singing) in that lovely space with friends this afternoon was such a perfect way to celebrate eight years of Emma! 
Grace's bracelet in progress. 

 Our gorgeous bracelets!

Rather than a birthday cake after dinner she asked for ice cream at our favorite place. 
What an absolutely stellar way to celebrate her eighth trip around he sun! We all had such fun, and everything about today was simply divine! Thank you, Mother Nature, for the most glorious February weather this weekend (which made the new bike for her birthday present that much sweeter) and to everyone who celebrated with us (both in real life and virtually)! All the cards, Facebook and Instagram messages, calls and texts really did make her day that much sweeter!

Happy Birthday, Emma Faith! We love you to the moon and stars and back and cannot wait to see what fabulous adventures and experience await you on your next trip around the sun! xo

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Today we're wishing our sweet Grace Elizabeth a very happy seventh birthday! It's hard to believe that she has now completed seven trips around the sun! From the moment she arrived Earthside it felt as if we had known her forever. It was a quiet day of celebrating at home. There was much "oohing" and "ahhing" over the new additions to the birthday ring (my father has, once again, outdone himself!), presents were opened, a delicious cake was baked, her birthday story read and the birthday song sung. Everything about today was just as lovely as Grace. 

Thank you, sweet girl, for making our dream of becoming parents a reality. Thank you for all the sweetness, love, joy and kindness that you have brought with you. We can't wait to see what your next trip around the sun brings! We love you to the moon and stars and back! 
XO, Mama, Daddy and Emma

Friday, February 22, 2013

{This Moment} Five Trips Around The Sun

{This Moment} - A Soule Mama Friday ritual. A single photo- no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments section for all to find and see. Many wishes for a most magical of weekends!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Emma Faith Is Five!

Today there was:
Birthday ring exploring, 
birthday smiles, 
and hanging out in the birthday tent.  
There was present opening (first thing in the morning, of course), 
And investigating new treasures.
There were birthday surprises from your beloved sister. 
"A Luna for me?!  Thanks, Grace!"
And new things for her dolls. 
There were cards that couldn't be any more perfect. 
And cake making.
And cake tasting.
And then cake baking (no picture of that). 
Followed by a Mystery Ride. 
"Where are we going, mama?!"
And rejoicing when they saw where!
There was showing Meaghan the ropes of how one gets their nails done at the salon. 
And looking older than their years. 
And loving that the first time these three got their nails done together was on Emma's fifth birthday. 
Then it was back home to get ready for tonight. 
Dinner in the oven. 
A birthday banner made. 
And frosting made for her cake too, of course. 
There was posing for the camera. 
And decorating her birthday cake with her bestest friends. 
And then there was playing (oh, so much playing). 
And some more presents. 
And before dinner was on the table it was time for the birthday ring. 
And now she is five!  This picture just says it all!
And there was (once again) much "oohing" and "ahhing" over this very gorgeous birthday ring that my Dad made for us.  It really is stunningly beautiful. Thanks, Dad!
Then there was much wishing (upon receiving the above picture) that we had been able to connect with my parents so that the new pieces my Dad made for the birthday ring could be part of her ring this year.  As you can see he has outdone himself yet again!
And then it was time for yummy yummy dinner followed by yummy yummy cake. 
Cake and ice cream were served. 
Secret of the Wings was watched. 
And much silliness started as the movie ended. 
If these four kids (and their mamas and papas) don't sleep well tonight it will be shocking! 

It was a glorious day and a glorious way to celebrate her fifth trip around the sun. It will surely be a day we all treasure and remember for years to come.  Happy fifth birthday, sweet Emma Faith!  Daddy, Grace and I are so proud to have you sharing you joy with us each and every day! We can't wait to see what this next trip around the sun has in store for you!  XOXO