Showing posts with label Daisy Scouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daisy Scouts. Show all posts

Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Sweet Note

Is there anything sweeter than receiving a handwritten note? I truly don't think there is! xo

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

She Did It!

You may remember that Grace was determined to earn all three of her Daisy Journey Badges before Bridging to Brownies. 
I'm happy to share with you that today was the day she did just that!
All three Daisy Journey Badges have been earned.  
She is now officially ready to bridge to Brownies!
Way to go Grace! We are so very proud of you!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two Down, One To Go

Grace is bound and determined to complete all three Daisy Journey badges before bridging to Brownies in June. Something tells me that she'll have no problem achieving that goal!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day is one of our most favorite days ever. And to honor this day we always try to find something to do. We usually read some lovely Earthy books and then take a walk around our neighborhood to spruce it up. This year, in Grace's quest to earn all three of the Daisy Journey badges before she bridges to Brownies, she decided to do her Clover project on Earth Day."Mama, I want to make a banner to hang up for the neighbors to see and then we can clean up the street." Sounded like a good idea to me so we got out the supplies and the girls got to work.
Thank goodness for blue painters tape! The girls did such a great job on the banner and it looked just perfect hung up on our fence! Once the banner was hung it was off to spruce up the neighborhood!  The girls collected two bags of stuff before we headed in for lunch and quiet time. What a great idea for her Clover project and what a lovely way to honor Mother Earth on this glorious (albeit chilly) Earth Day!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's For The Birds

Yesterday at Girl Scouts the girls made Valentine's for the birds. I saw this project on two of my friends blogs (Sweet Home Days and Mothering with Mindfulness) and had planned to do it with Grace and Emma on Valentine's Day. As luck would have it we never got to the project that day.  Being in need of  a project to do with the Daisies I quickly realized that yesterday's meeting was the perfect time to make these! 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cookie Cuties

Today the girls participated in their first cookie booth sale.  It was a much earlier "get out the door" start to our day than we are used to but it sure was a super fun way to start our weekend!  We ended up with two tables, one inside the bank and one outside of it, and a total of five girls and four mamas.  A quick text message to Dave and some hot chocolate and munchkins were dropped off.  I'm not yet sure how many boxes we sold yet but it sure seemed like a good amount to me. Now, if only I could have gotten one picture with Em actually looking at the camera.  Ah, the joys of photographing almost five year olds! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Our Daisy Scouts!

Yep, that's right, there's a new Daisy Scout in our house!  And please pardon the wide eyed look on Em's face.  There is nothing like trying to get a four and a half year old to smile and look at the camera!  For some reason this photo makes Grace giggle each time she looks at it. It makes this mama smile too, but that's mostly cause it will always remind me just how excited Emma was to finally have her Daisy tunic.  There has since been a second petal added to her flower.  
And lest we forget that they have some super cool stuff on the back of their tunics too.  I'm sure the next time the three of us are in the Girl Scout store more will be selected and added to this collection they've got going.  Oh, and have I mentioned how much I love the hat that Grace is wearing?  For some reason it just screamed Grace.  And I am so glad that she liked it as much as I did when I first saw it!  It's just so her. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

{This Moment}

{This Moment} - A SouleMama Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. We wish you a weekend full of joyful moments!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We Built This City

The long awaited day finally arrived.  We packed the car up with all the necessary items for the flower shop and headed to the Girl Scout meeting.  We arrived, found a spot and got set up.
Of course, we also checked out all the other amazing projects too. 
There was:
And then it was time to clean up.  I went to go put something down and came back to find that some of the older kids came to help Grace pack up all the flowers.  What a great bunch of kids!
Once everything was cleaned up, it was time for snack.  One of the Daisies was celebrating her bithday today so there was cake, cookies, and yummy fruit salad!
It was a perfect way to spend a cold, rainy day!  The Cardboard City was an amazing success and everyone had a wonderful time!  We recieved lots of compliments on the flower shop, which I know will be played with for many moons to come!