Showing posts with label Drawing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drawing. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2020

Drawing Class

The girls attended another drawing class through the Marlborough Public Library and did a fabulous job with this anamrophic drawing of Baby Yoda! xo

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Yesterday Afternoon

In which the girls take an online drawing class through the library and create this super cool picture of Hedwig! xo

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Lunch Doodles With Mo Willems

On Monday when I was scrolling through my Facebook feed I noticed that Mo Willems would be doing something called "Lunch Doodles" during this time of social distancing (and homeschooling for all). We absolutely love his books (Waiting is Not Easy is one of our most favorites) and so I shared the link on Facebook and the gathered the girls around my phone (with paper and pencils). From the moment it started we knew this was going to be a much looked forward to part of our day. As I listened to Mo chat and the girls giggle I couldn't help but think that he may very well be the Mr. Rogers of this time. And I have no doubt  that if Mr. Rogers was still alive he and Mo would absolutely be friends. And so on Tuesday I snapped a few pictures during Lunch Doodles (episode two). And gracious, were we thrilled to see our most favorite of his books was the one he used that day! 
In this episode he taught the children how to draw Gerald. 
 When Mo pauses himself for the children to get their supplies....oh my gosh, so brilliant (and so fun)! 
In this episode he also had the children turn letters into creatures. 
Emma was inspired to create crocodiles. Here the mama crocodile is a bit upset...
since the daddy crocodile forgot to pick up one of their babies from dance (this may or may not be based on true events). 
And Grace's dragon came out beautifully!

If you haven't yet discovered Lunch Doodles be sure to check it out each day at 1:00pm. Mo Willems is the first ever Education Artist-in-Residence  for the Kennedy Center and these episodes can be found on the Kennedy Center's website and YoutTube page

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday Creating

Every time I turned around today these two were creating something. From Lego creations this morning, to crowns, to Mr. Big Eyes (isn't he cute?), to signs and an adorable giraffe (made by Grace) and then back to Legos this evening it was a very creative Sunday at our house! xo