Showing posts with label Summer Reading Program. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summer Reading Program. Show all posts

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Yesterday Afternoon

In which the girls take an online drawing class through the library and create this super cool picture of Hedwig! xo

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Last Wednesday's Crafternoon

Last Wednesday, the girls attended the crafternoon that was being held at the library. There they made these gorgeous planet necklaces to go along with the theme of the Summer Reading Program (outer space). They had an absolutely fabulous time and did such a good job! When Grace was done with her two planet necklaces, the teacher encouraged her to make the birds nest one. What a perfect necklace for our bird loving girl! xo

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Today At The Library

Emma made this gorgeous rainbow while we were at the library today! It should be noted that the girls do not get their Lego skills from me. I can barely make a  Lego car, so it's safe to say that a Lego rainbow is totally and completely out of my wheelhouse! xo 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Humpback Whale And A Clam

Today there was a storyteller at the library. She was sharing stories about Water Wizards and at the end she needed help from many of the children in attendance. The story was a Native American one about how the whales got their blowholes. Emma filled the role of a humpback whale in this story. And what a cute humpback whale she was!
 Grace was proud to become a clam for this play. 
 The crab and lobster hats were fabulous!
Emma sings her whale song. 
She gives the Native American a ride to the other side of the ocean.

The kids loved the stories that were told, and the fact that each one had them participating in someway was even more fabulous! Just another wonderful program at our wonderful library! xo

Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Reading Program

Hi Friends!  For those who have been wondering where we have been for the last week I just wanted to let everyone know we've been having difficulties with the computer I use to blog.  Thankfully, our friend (and computer guru, Paul) had recently spent some time sprucing up our old Mac laptops and while they surely don't run fast (they are almost 10 years old, after all) something is better than nothing!  Needless to say, I have 400 pictures to go through and blog about!  I will do my best to get caught up and share all the fun filled things we've been up to!  And now, without further adieu, I give you today's blogpost...

You know it's summer when the library summer reading program begins!  And while the girls are not yet to the point where they are reading on their own we still have a great time signing up and seeing how many books we can read in one summer.  This year's theme is Dream Big.  The kids who are part of the program will be building ladders to reach to the moon and stars.  For each book read a rung will be added to the ladder.  As you can imagine the girls are super excited to help reach the moon and stars!

We started with filling out their Dream Big Sheets which get to be included in the Dream Big Book. 
We also chose a rubber ducky to take home and bring on adventures with us for a week.  Think Flat Stanley but with a rubber ducky instead.  There are a whole bunch of Library Ducks to choose from.  The first one to accompany us this summer was Indiana Duck (chosen by Grace). 
We took Indiana Duck to Old Sturbridge Village on Sunday.  The girls loved showing him around!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Let the Summer Reading Program Begin!

I cannot believe that it has been over a week since I last blogged. I am so sad and frustrated at the technological difficulties that we are having with the computer.  Hopefully soon we will be back to business as usual, until then here are pictures (and several blog posts) from all the fun that we had last week!
The theme of this years Summer Reading Program at the library is Go Green.
To help drive the theme home the library staff made an interactive recycling center. 

Grace and Em were the first to try it out. 

We are so excited to have a summer reading program to participate in this year!  We are so thrilled to have lots of fun stuff to do at the library this summer and are looking forward to all that they have in store!