Today was the first day of a new homeschool program at Drumlin Farm. You may remember that last year Emma was part of the Crickets class at Drumlin Farm Community Preschool. And while we absolutely adored the preschool and were sad to say good-bye we are so super excited that this new program has begun. My friend (and fellow Cricket mama) Meredith got in touch with Drumlin Farm to see if they would be willing to run a homeschool program that ran at the same time as Crickets (she has one son who has aged out of Crickets and one son who is still there). The staff at Drumlin was very excited to be able to do this and thus the Exploring Habitats class was born! Today was their first day and everyone had an absolute blast (as you can see from the size of the smile on Emma's face in the picture above). The teacher, Martha, said that the three hours was just not long enough and that she was blown away by our children. She explained that each week a different habitat (pond, farm, forest, meadow) will be explored and once all the habitats have been explored they will go back and check on each of them again to see what changes have occured since they were there last. Today they went ponding and then after their ponding adventure they went over to the barn to meet the brand new baby calf that was born yesterday. The girls were so chatty the whole way home about all their adventures today! And as you can imagine they are looking forward to next week already! Thank you Meredith for getting the ball rolling on this program! The girls are over the moon to get to be a part of it!