Showing posts with label Grade Six. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grade Six. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2020

Well Done, Emma!

Emma wearing my sixth grade t-shirt can mean only one thing: her sixth grade lesson year has come to an end! She wrote a beautiful four page final paper on the lives of children of the middle ages (a final paper that I expected, by the way, would take her until Wednesday or Thursday to finish) and she was on such a roll that she just kept going until the entire final copy had been written! So incredibly proud of Emma for how hard she worked this year! She did a wonderful job on all her lessons though I am most impressed with how beautifully she wrote that final paper (all in cursive, of course!) and how much she loves doing PowerPoints (and how quickly she can make them)! One of the things we have always said to the girls is that they need to know how to do things "by hand" so if they find themselves without some kind of tech they can still function in the world. They have truly put that to practice even more since the arrival of the laptops. Both David and I are so proud to see them living that piece of wisdom fully. 

This the first year that the girls have not finished the lesson year on the same day. Grace is on track to finish up this Wednesday and as soon as she is done we will head out for our traditional end of the lesson year/beginning of summer treat! xo 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Emma's Coat of Arms

Last week, for Emma's main lesson, she learned about knights, their life and training, and heraldry. This project brought me back to when I was in junior high and did a similar project (though mine involved cutting out felt to make banners). I love how much she got into this (I knew she would) and how beautifully her coat of arms came out! xo

Monday, August 26, 2019

Another Year Begins!

And so begins another year of morning lessons! Since the girls have been done since the Tuesday before Memorial Day weekend we are all feeling very ready to get back at it. Looking forward to another incredible year of learning together! xo 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Sixth Grade

Last summer I came across my sixth grade shirt and decided I'd hold on to it and take a picture of Grace wearing it before the end of her sixth grade year. For weeks now I have been meaning to do do this and for one reason or another it never happened. As this is the last full week of the school year for the school kids in town I figured I needed to make it happen STAT!I 

This shirt was a really big deal when we were in sixth grade. As it was our final year at Bethany Community School we all had a chance to submit a design for consideration for the front of the shirt. Once all the designs were turned in we got to vote on which one would appear on the front. On the back were all our signatures. 

The day the shirts arrived we were all so excited! I'm pretty sure it was toward the end of the school year when we got them (maybe even the final week). I wish there was a picture of us all in them. Some people chose pink, some purple, some yellow, some blue. There may have even been green. It was really neat to see us all in them!

And so, I knew that when I took this picture and shared it to Facebook that it would take a whole bunch of us on a trip down memory lane! And that's exactly what happened! 

I cannot wait to take a picture of Emma in this shirt at the end of her sixth grade year (next year). And really I should take a picture of me in it too. I'm thrilled to say it still fits! xo 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Yesterday And Today

More beautiful Waldorf geometry constructions from yesterday and today. And yes, Emma indeed did lessons in her jammies today!  xo 

Monday, January 7, 2019

A New Year, A New Block

Kicking off the first day of morning lessons of the new year with some beautiful Waldorf geometry! Goodness, if this was what geometry class was like when I was in school maybe I wouldn't have just barely passed! xo 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Happy First Day!

Emma's standing in fifth position since she's in fifth grade! 
 I just adore these signs! 
 The Ingalls family keeps watch on the roses for the Rose Ceremony. 
 There is nothing like a new set of colored pencils to start the new lesson year! 
 A little first day of lessons photo shoot (with the gorgeous signs my dear, dear friend Cher hand lettered!), followed by our traditional first day of the new lesson year Rose Ceremony, followed by organizing main lesson binders and filling pencil rolls made for a very full morning for the first day of lessons this year! And after all that, they dove right in to their first main lesson block of the year too! It's lovely to be back to lessons and our autumn rhythm, I have the feeling this is going to be one of our most amazing years yet! xo