Saturday, July 13, 2024

Scenes From This Week In New Hampshire


And so begins another week of learning about Emergency Pedagogy from Bernd Ruf! 
Gorgeous view from the High Mowing SchoolHigh Mowing School campus. 

View of Temple-Wilton Community FarmTemple-Wilton Community Farm during my workshop's nature walk. 
Two of the gorgeous cows at TWCF. On Tuesday we helped bring them in from the field and our instructor, MichaelAnne sang to them to bring them in to the dairy barn. 
We spent time talking about cows and ways that working with cows can help children who have experienced trauma can heal by working with them. 
Tuesday evening lecture gievn by Bernd Ruf regarding how we can help support and/or be part of the teams that go into areas where trauma has occured to conduct Emergency Pedagogy. 
The walking path I would take from Pine Hill to High Mowing for lunch each day. It is simply magical. 
Wednesday and Thursday my workshop group (animal therapy) spent time at the gorgeous Earth & Sky Biiodynamic Farm. This farm is simply magical and like the farm I would love to live on/steward. 
Our first day at Earth & Sky was all about chickens. 
They have around 120 hens (and some two week old baby chicks as well)!
We had the most delicious garden water. Various herbs and edible flowers made it especially yummy and a very welcome treat on a hot, humid day. 
Ready to take more notes during Bernd's two morniong lectures. 
Our final day at Earth & Sky was all about sheep, goats and horses. We also spoke a bit about biodynamic farming. MichaelAnne recommended some wonderful books and resources for us should we want to learn more. Biodynamic farming was a term that I knew of but something I did not know much about. Learning from MichaelAnne this week inspired me to want to learn more and bring the preparations to help heal our little piece of land. 
It was another incredible week and I am glad I went! It made for some very long days though and so I am glad that it has come to a close. I did not attend the final day/closing ceremonies on Friday as I was so beyond tired and needed a day of not driving to and from New Hampshire. Being there though really did make me wish I had been a Waldorf teacher in my life before my girls and that we lived there in Wilton. What a simply lovely area and magical place! xo 

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